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Monday, September 8, 2008

Class Chalet
Total Amount: $545.70 (About $20 per pax)
Date: 27-29 November
Venue: Sea View Bungalow 6, Aloha Loyang

*Note that is Nury's birthday on the 26th Nov, so we can celebrate a belated one for her! :D
Anyone else's birthday arnd that period too? Feel free to remind the class to celebrate for you! ^_^

*Encourage you all to stay over and have fun together!

*No alcoholic drinks please, to prevent trouble lol. If really want to, make sure you dont get drunk!

*Recommendations for food orders/deliveries/companies please! (super budget ones)

Credits to YunXuan, for helping us book this chalet!
More details will be given after Os :D

Study hard yeah!

Lotsa Love,
Rui Shan

9:58 PM


Friday, February 1, 2008

hello, people.
just to ask,
do you guys one a new blog URL or use this one still?
tag your answers!

and those who wants the password and username feel free to ask from me (:

11:54 PM


Friday, January 18, 2008

For the Commonwealth essay competition ;
here are the topic for our cateogory.

CLASS B - Born 1992-1993
1200-1500 words
All questions can be answered by writing an essay or a story which explores the topic in an interesting and relevant way.

1.“You have to have a dream or you go nowhere.” (Kofi Annan)

2.An inter-galactic market research company is canvassing opinions on whether Planet Earth is suitable material for “first contact”. What do you think?

3.What advice would you give to a family living with teenagers?

4.EITHER This is where I live OR These are the things which make me who I am.


6.The Commonwealth Question (see details below).

Commonwealth Question
The Commonwealth Question is open to all candidates and entries will be judged according to the relevant criteria used in the four Classes (A to D).
If you choose to answer the Commonwealth Question please DO NOT submit another essay and keep to your Class word count.
There is a £150 prize for a winning entry on the Commonwealth Question in each of the four Classes. This prize is in addition to the main prizes offered in each Class. Any entrant selecting the Commonwealth Question as their topic will also have their essay considered for a main prize.

The theme for
Commonwealth Day 2008 is “The Environment: Our Future”. Discuss the likely impact of climate change on life as you know it. What is to be done?

the word count part i am not sure if we need to write so many words.
hopefully this can help everyone in writing the composition in case you forgot the questions.

ps : this is due on monday to miss karim.

9:46 PM


Friday, December 28, 2007

2008 class timetable is out alr.
everyone can go check out nxt year timetable.


cya everyone in 2008!

4:54 PM


Friday, November 2, 2007

chemistry SPA on 5th November 2007.
-tested on the chapter Acid and Bases.
-bring calculator,ruler etc.
-skill set 1 and skill set 2.


8:28 PM


Thursday, October 25, 2007

please take note:

1) higher chinese/malay pupils please be reminded that your express mother tongue paper is on 31 october 2007.

things to bring: entry proof
black pen

2) all 3/4 students will be taking Chemistry SPA on 5th Nov 2007

tested on: acids and bases
skill set 1 and 2

ps: Conquer O timetable updated ASAP.


12:29 AM


Tuesday, October 2, 2007


:D I bet you guys have been waiting really long for it.
Reason for choosing Jersey rather than Tshirt: Majority were voting for jersey, and it's easier to make jerseys! I'll be making it for next year, meaning class 4/4. If majority want another class tee, I'd probably get tshirts and get our class artists to draw really original stuff, and get it printed for you guys perhaps as graduating present next year for each other. LOL

I managed to find the cheapest price for you guys, with good quality and colour.

Jersey cutting: With Zip, Vampire-Collared-Like (I DUNNO HOW TO SAY!)
Colour: Black base, Red words
Price: $26 (should be discounted to about $20)

Jersey cutting: V-neck, No zip
Colour: Red base, Black words
Price: $19 (Price should be around there, cos already very cheap! LOL)

- Name printed on your jersey must only consist of 7 letters. (best if you put your nickname in class, then got class spirit lah hor)
- Number behind your shirt will be your index number

Please try your best to not object to the class jersey!
Trying to make it as simple, so less objection. Heh.

Alright, good luck for the coming papers! :D

Tag to give comments on class jersey, thangggggku.

3/4's vouldermold (sp?),
Rui Shan

8:51 PM